CommScope Crosstalk
Whether you want to plug into emerging technologies that will help you shape your business or tap industry expertise to unlock your partnership potential, don’t miss the CommScope Crosstalk podcast.
The series airs every other Thursday and features the insights you need to gain the competitive edge in connectivity. Join host Mike Rearden as he chats with influencers, subject experts and telecom leaders to bring you insider strategies and best practices.
CommScope Crosstalk
ICT Industry's Skilled Labor Shortage and BICSI's Response, with John Daniels, CEO of BICSI
The ICT industry is experiencing severe skilled labor shortages. BICSI CEO John Daniels joins the podcast to discuss BICSI's response to these challenges and the many different initiatives BICSI is using to lead the industry through these challenging times. In addition, we discuss the upcoming BICSI Fall Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Send all comments or questions to commscopecrosstalk@commscope.com